President of Wine Source Asia
Seck Wee was first introduced to the joys of imbibing wine in his earlier days in university where the pursuits of higher knowledge led him to discover the giddy fruits of Dionysus. His career path definitely led him astray, towards related lifestyle business segments, including fashion publications, cosmetics, alcoholic beverages, retail department stores, consumer electronics, all of which accentuated his relationship with wine.
Throughout his professional career history spanning over 3 ½ decades, Seck Wee held senior management roles building market leadership positions for many consumer & lifestyle brands in markets throughout Asia, including L’Oreal, Tiger Beer, Mattel Toys, Singapore Telecoms, & Eastman Kodak to name a few. As providence goes, Seck Wee first met Philippe Kalmbach, (Founder & CEO of Wine Source), over a decade ago one dark and cold night in Rochester NY, USA over dinner. These newly found MNC colleagues soon struck up a long standing relationship, which finally extended to Seck Wee helping to start-up the Wine Source offices in Singapore (mid 2012) and, Macau (mid 2013). When not working or drinking, whichever being the worse case, he chills out by falling back on his first love for classical music, plus watching movies & attending concerts. The occasional game of tennis still takes place, when timings permit and hitting partners are available.